Chee-Hwa Chats

A Time to Dance…
Autumn is my favorite season, not just for the sheer beauty of the colors, but for how poignantly it depicts transition in our lives. The phrase “…the wind passes over it and it is gone…” often comes to mind as I watch the crazy dance of the falling leaves blow across...

Lessons from a Fall Mystery Guest…
A little over a week ago, we had a top secret “mystery guest” at the Lamont Music School’s opening Convocation. Who, I thought, would have something so special to say to music students and faculty; who needed total secrecy before the event; who could not have...

Tales from the Front: Finding the right fit of instrument (Part 2)
In my last blog, we discussed first introducing our children to the different timbres of instruments and observing their responses to the sounds. I shared the challenges Elise and I had traveling with her cello. I also posed the following questions that I have asked...

Tales from the Front: Finding the right fit of instrument (Part 1)
August flew by and with it my best intentions to get my thoughts down for this blog; lost in the flurry of getting my oldest child off to college. A few days after dropping off Anna in Chicago, my second child, a high school senior, and I flew out for a music school...